On this page:
17.1.1 Representation Choices
17.1.2 Time Complexity
17.1.3 Choosing Between Representations
17.1.4 Other Operations

17.1 Representing Sets as Lists🔗

    17.1.1 Representation Choices

    17.1.2 Time Complexity

    17.1.3 Choosing Between Representations

    17.1.4 Other Operations

Earlier [Sets as Collective Data] we introduced sets. Recall that the elements of a set have no specific order, and ignore duplicates.If these ideas are not familiar, please read Sets as Collective Data, since they will be important when discussing the representation of sets. At that time we relied on Pyret’s built-in representation of sets. Now we will discuss how to build sets for ourselves. In what follows, we will focus only on sets of numbers.

We will start by discussing how to represent sets using lists. Intuitively, using lists to represent sets of data seems problematic, because lists respect both order and duplication. For instance,

  [list: 1, 2, 3] is [list: 3, 2, 1, 1]

fails, but the corresponding sets are equal.

In principle, we want sets to obey the following interface:Note that a type called Set is already built into Pyret, so below we will use the name LSet for a set represented as a list.
<set-operations> ::=

mt-set :: Set
is-in :: (T, Set<T> -> Bool)
insert :: (T, Set<T> -> Set<T>)
union :: (Set<T>, Set<T> -> Set<T>)
size :: (Set<T> -> Number)
to-list :: (Set<T> -> List<T>)

We may also find it also useful to have functions such as

insert-many :: (List<T>, Set<T> -> Set<T>)

which, combined with mt-set, easily gives us a to-set function.

Sets can contain many kinds of values, but not necessarily any kind: we need to be able to check for two values being equal (which is a requirement for a set, but not for a list!), which can’t be done with all values (such as functions). We discuss the nuances of this elsewhere [Equality and Ordering]. For now, we can ignore these issues by focusing on sets of (non-rough)numbers.

17.1.1 Representation Choices🔗

The empty list can stand in for the empty set—

type LSet = List
mt-set = empty

and we can presumably define size as

fun size<T>(s :: LSet<T>) -> Number:

However, this reduction (of sets to lists) can be dangerous:
  1. There is a subtle difference between lists and sets. The list

    [list: 1, 1]

    is not the same as

    [list: 1]

    because the first list has length two whereas the second has length one. Treated as a set, however, the two are the same: they both have size one. Thus, our implementation of size above is incorrect if we don’t take into account duplicates (either during insertion or while computing the size).

  2. We might falsely make assumptions about the order in which elements are retrieved from the set due to the ordering guaranteed provided by the underlying list representation. This might hide bugs that we don’t discover until we change the representation.

  3. We might have chosen a set representation because we didn’t need to care about order, and expected lots of duplicate items. A list representation might store all the duplicates, resulting in significantly more memory use (and slower programs) than we expected.

To avoid these perils, we have to be precise about how we’re going to use lists to represent sets. One key question (but not the only one, as we’ll soon see [Choosing Between Representations]) is what to do about duplicates. One possibility is for insert to check whether an element is already in the set and, if so, leave the representation unchanged; this incurs a cost during insertion but avoids unnecessary duplication and lets us use length to implement size. The other option is to define insert as linkliterally,

insert = link

and have some other procedure perform the filtering of duplicates.

17.1.2 Time Complexity🔗

What is the complexity of this representation of sets? Let’s consider just insert, is-in, and size. Suppose the size of the set is \(k\) (where, to avoid ambiguity, we let \(k\) represent the number of distinct elements). The complexity of these operations depends on whether or not we store duplicates:
  • If we don’t store duplicates, then size is simply length, which takes time linear in \(k\). Similarly, is-in only needs to traverse the list once to determine whether or not an element is present, which also takes time linear in \(k\). But insert needs to check whether an element is already present, which takes time linear in \(k\), followed by at most a constant-time operation (link).

  • If we do store duplicates, then insert is constant time: it simply links on the new element without regard to whether it already is in the set representation. is-in traverses the list once, but the number of elements it needs to visit could be significantly greater than \(k\), depending on how many duplicates have been added. Finally, size needs to check whether or not each element is duplicated before counting it.

Do Now!

What is the time complexity of size if the list has duplicates?

One implementation of size is

fun size<T>(s :: LSet<T>) -> Number:
  cases (List) s:
    | empty => 0
    | link(f, r) =>
      if r.member(f):
        1 + size(r)

Let’s now compute the complexity of the body of the function, assuming the number of distinct elements in s is \(k\) but the actual number of elements in s is \(d\), where \(d \geq k\). To compute the time to run size on \(d\) elements, \(T(d)\), we should determine the number of operations in each question and answer. The first question has a constant number of operations, and the first answer also a constant. The second question also has a constant number of operations. Its answer is a conditional, whose first question (r.member(f) needs to traverse the entire list, and hence has \(O([k \rightarrow d])\) operations. If it succeeds, we recur on something of size \(T(d-1)\); else we do the same but perform a constant more operations. Thus \(T(0)\) is a constant, while the recurrence (in big-Oh terms) is

\begin{equation*}T(d) = d + T(d-1)\end{equation*}

Thus \(T \in O([d \rightarrow d^2])\). Note that this is quadratic in the number of elements in the list, which may be much bigger than the size of the set.

17.1.3 Choosing Between Representations🔗

Now that we have two representations with different complexities, it’s worth thinking about how to choose between them. To do so, let’s build up the following table. The table distinguishes between the interface (the set) and the implementation (the list), because—owing to duplicates in the representation—these two may not be the same. In the table we’ll consider just two of the most common operations, insertion and membership checking:


With Duplicates


Without Duplicates









Size of Set









Size of List









A naive reading of this would suggest that the representation with duplicates is better because it’s sometimes constant and sometimes linear, whereas the version without duplicates is always linear. However, this masks a very important distinction: what the linear means. When there are no duplicates, the size of the list is the same as the size of the set. However, with duplicates, the size of the list can be arbitrarily larger than that of the set!

Based on this, we can draw several lessons:
  1. Which representation we choose is a matter of how much duplication we expect. If there won’t be many duplicates, then the version that stores duplicates pays a small extra price in return for some faster operations.

  2. Which representation we choose is also a matter of how often we expect each operation to be performed. The representation without duplication is “in the middle”: everything is roughly equally expensive (in the worst case). With duplicates is “at the extremes”: very cheap insertion, potentially very expensive membership. But if we will mostly only insert without checking membership, and especially if we know membership checking will only occur in situations where we’re willing to wait, then permitting duplicates may in fact be the smart choice. (When might we ever be in such a situation? Suppose your set represents a backup data structure; then we add lots of data but very rarely—indeed, only in case of some catastrophe—ever need to look for things in it.)

  3. Another way to cast these insights is that our form of analysis is too weak. In situations where the complexity depends so heavily on a particular sequence of operations, big-Oh is too loose and we should instead study the complexity of specific sequences of operations. We will address precisely this question later [Halloween Analysis].

Moreover, there is no reason a program should use only one representation. It could well begin with one representation, then switch to another as it better understands its workload. The only thing it would need to do to switch is to convert all existing data between the representations.

How might this play out above? Observe that data conversion is very cheap in one direction: since every list without duplicates is automatically also a list with (potential) duplicates, converting in that direction is trivial (the representation stays unchanged, only its interpretation changes). The other direction is harder: we have to filter duplicates (which takes time quadratic in the number of elements in the list). Thus, a program can make an initial guess about its workload and pick a representation accordingly, but maintain statistics as it runs and, when it finds its assumption is wrong, switch representations—and can do so as many times as needed.

17.1.4 Other Operations🔗


Implement the remaining operations catalogued above (<set-operations>) under each list representation.


Implement the operation

remove :: (Set<T>, T -> Set<T>)

under each list representation (renaming Set appropriately. What difference do you see?

Do Now!

Suppose you’re asked to extend sets with these operations, as the set analog of first and rest:

one :: (Set<T> -> T)
others :: (Set<T> -> T)

You should refuse to do so! Do you see why?

With lists the “first” element is well-defined, whereas sets are defined to have no ordering. Indeed, just to make sure users of your sets don’t accidentally assume anything about your implementation (e.g., if you implement one using first, they may notice that one always returns the element most recently added to the list), you really ought to return a random element of the set on each invocation.

Unfortunately, returning a random element means the above interface is unusable. Suppose s is bound to a set containing 1, 2, and 3. Say the first time one(s) is invoked it returns 2, and the second time 1. (This already means one is not a function.) The third time it may again return 2. Thus others has to remember which element was returned the last time one was called, and return the set sans that element. Suppose we now invoke one on the result of calling others. That means we might have a situation where one(s) produces the same result as one(others(s)).


Why is it unreasonable for one(s) to produce the same result as one(others(s))?


Suppose you wanted to extend sets with a subset operation that partitioned the set according to some condition. What would its type be?


The types we have written above are not as crisp as they could be. Define a has-no-duplicates predicate, refine the relevant types with it, and check that the functions really do satisfy this criterion.