On this page:
17.5.1 Converting Values to Ordered Values
17.5.2 Hashing in Practice
17.5.3 Equality and Ordering

17.5 Equality, Ordering, and Hashing🔗

    17.5.1 Converting Values to Ordered Values

    17.5.2 Hashing in Practice

    17.5.3 Equality and Ordering

17.5.1 Converting Values to Ordered Values🔗

In Making Sets Grow on Trees, we noted that a single comparison needs to eliminate an entire set of values. With numbers, we were able to accomplish that easily: every bigger or smaller number was excluded by a comparison. But what if the data in the set are not actually numbers? Then we have to convert an arbitrary datum into a datatype that permits such comparison. This is known as hashing.

A hash function consumes an arbitrary value and produces a comparable representation of it (its hash)—most commonly (but not strictly necessarily), a number. A hash function must naturally be deterministic: a fixed value should always yield the same hash (otherwise, we might conclude that an element in the set is not actually in it, etc.). Particular uses may need additional properties, as we discuss in Equality and Ordering.

Let us now consider how one can compute hashes. If the input datatype is a number, it can serve as its own hash. Comparison simply uses numeric comparison (e.g., <). Then, transitivity of < ensures that if an element \(A\) is less than another element \(B\), then \(A\) is also less than all the other elements bigger than \(B\).

Suppose instead the input is a string. We can of course use the principle above for strings: e.g., replacing number inequality with string inequality. Strings have a lexicographic (or “alphabetic”) ordering that permit them to be treated similar to numbers.

But what if we are handed more complex datatypes?

Before we answer that, consider that in practice numbers are more efficient to compare than strings (since comparing two numbers is very nearly constant time). Thus, although we could use strings directly, it may be convenient to find a numeric representation of strings. We convert each character of the string into a number, e.g., using its code point. Based on that, here are two different hash functions:
  1. Consider a list of primes as long as the string. Raise each prime by the corresponding number, and multiply the result. For instance, if the string is represented by the character codes [6, 4, 5] (the first character has code 6, the second one 4, and the third 5), we get the hash

    num-expt(2, 6) * num-expt(3, 4) * num-expt(5, 5)

    or 16200000.

  2. Simply add together all the character codes. For the above example, this would correspond to the has

    6 + 4 + 5

    or 15.

The first representation is invertible, using the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic: given the resulting number, we can reconstruct the input unambiguously (i.e., 16200000 can only map to the input above, and none other). This is also known as the Gödel encoding. This is computationally expensive. The second encoding is, of course, not invertible (e.g., simply permute the characters and, by commutativity, the sum will be the same), but computationally much cheaper. It is also easy to implement:

fun hash-of(s :: String):
  fold({(a :: Number, b :: Number): a + b},

  hash-of("Hello") is 500
  hash-of("World!") is 553
  hash-of("🏴‍☠️") is 195692

Now let us consider more general datatypes. The principle of hashing will be similar. If we have a datatype with several variants, we can order the variants lexicographically, and use a numeric tag to represent the variants, and recursively encode the datum and the variant tag. For each field of a record, we need an ordering of the fields—the lexicographic ordering of the field names suffices—and must hash their contents recursively; having done so, we get in effect a string of numbers, which we have shown how to handle.

The critical thing to remember is that we don’t actually need a meaningful operation.Observe that Gödel encodings are not “meaningful”, either. We don’t actually care if a hash function concludes that the hash of 4 is less than the hash of 3! All we need is a function that is
  • non-trivial: not everything should be equal; and

  • deterministic: every time we ask for a hash, we should get the same answer.


Why do we care about these two properties? Think about what would could go wrong if each one was violated.

17.5.2 Hashing in Practice🔗

In practice, programmers do not want hash functions to do what we have described above. While Gödel encoding is extremely expensive, even computing hash-of takes time linear in the size of a string, which can get quite expensive if strings are large or we compute hashes often or both.

Instead, many programming languages do something very pragmatic. They need a value that can be compared for equality and ordering [Equality and Ordering]. Integers, we’ve already seen, already fit this bill very nicely. But how to obtain an integer out of arbitrary values, even datatype instances, quickly?

Simple: They just use the memory address of the datum. Every value has a memory address, and the language can obtain it in constant time by looking up the directory. Granted, these values may be allocated anywhere with respect to each other, but that’s okay—we only want consistency, not “meaningfulness”.

In practice, however, things are not quite so simple. For instance, suppose we want two structurally equivalent values to have the same hash. If they are allocated in different addresses, they will hash differently. Therefore, many languages that use such a strategy also allow programmers to write their own hashing functions, often to work in conjunction with this built-in notion of hashing. These end up looking not too different from the hashing strategies we described above. Therefore, some of that complexity is inescapable, especially if a programmer wants structural rather than reference equality—which they very often do.

In the rest of this material, we will therefore continue with the simple hash function above, for multiple reasons. First, it is sufficient to illustrate how hashing works. Second, in practice, when built-in hashing does not suffice, we do write (more complex versions of) functions like the above. And finally, because it’s all laid bare, it’s easy for us to experiment with.

17.5.3 Equality and Ordering🔗

What we’ve seen [A Fine Balance: Tree Surgery] for the construction of balanced binary search trees is that we need some way of putting elements in order. In the examples we used numbers because they’re a very friendly datatype: they have several properties that we take for granted. However, not all data have these properties.

The critical property that numbers have is that they are orderable. This follows because they are comparable, and the comparison is ternary: it produces three answers, “less than”, “equal to”, and “greater than”.

However, not all data have this property. What are data that might not have these properties? Actually, there are multiple possible properties here: Is something orderable? Is something even comparable?







Yes (but not Roughnums!)








Data instances




Not by default








Not really



So…life is complicated.

That means you could potentially misuse a BBST on the wrong kind of data. Ideally, we would want to know if we’re doing this. In Pyret’s type system we chose not to build this in, but in some languages, the type system actually lets you capture these properties.

In Haskell, for instance, there’s a mechanism called the type-class; in Java, there are interfaces. They aren’t really the same, but they’re useful to conflate for our purposes. Only things that meet a particular interface or type class provide certain operations. For instance, in Haskell, if you want to use == or /= (not equal), you have to be in the Eq type-class. Thus the comparable datatypes above would be part of Eq. Similarly, there’s a type-class Ord, which ensures the availability of (and requires the implementation of) operations like <, >, <=, and >=. In Haskell, everything that is Ord must also be Eq, i.e., Eq is weaker than Ord (things can be Eq without being Ord). Pyret’s Roughnums contradict that…but Haskell is okay with it. But if you try to compare two functions in Haskell,

(\x -> x + 1) < (\x -> x)

you get an error like

* No instance for (Ord (Integer -> Integer))

    arising from a use of `<'