On this page:
17.4.1 A Hash Function for Strings
17.4.2 Sets from Hashing
17.4.3 Arrays
17.4.4 Sets from Hashing and Arrays
17.4.5 Collisions
17.4.6 Resolving Collisions
17.4.7 Complexity
17.4.8 Bloom Filters
17.4.9 Generalizing from Sets to Key-Values

17.4 Hashes, Sets, and Key-Values🔗

    17.4.1 A Hash Function for Strings

    17.4.2 Sets from Hashing

    17.4.3 Arrays

    17.4.4 Sets from Hashing and Arrays

    17.4.5 Collisions

    17.4.6 Resolving Collisions

    17.4.7 Complexity

    17.4.8 Bloom Filters

    17.4.9 Generalizing from Sets to Key-Values

We have seen several solutions to set membership [Several Variations on Sets]. In particular, trees [Making Sets Grow on Trees] gave us logarithmic complexity for insection and membership. Now we will see one more implementation of sets, with different complexity. To set this up, we assume you are familiar with the concept of hashing [Converting Values to Ordered Values], which we saw was useful for constructing search trees. Here, we will use it to construct sets in a very different way. We will then generalize sets to another important data structure: key-value repositories. But first…

17.4.1 A Hash Function for Strings🔗

As we have seen in Converting Values to Ordered Values, we have multiple strategies for converting arbitrary values into numbers, which we will rely on here. Therefore, we could write this material around numbers alone. To make the examples more interesting, and to better illustrate some real-world issues, we will instead use strings. To hash them, we will use hash-of, defined there, which simply adds up a string’s code points.

We use this function for multiple reasons. First, it is sufficient to illustrate some of the consequences of hashing. Second, in practice, when built-in hashing does not suffice, we do write (more complex versions of) functions like it. And finally, because it’s all laid bare, it’s easy for us to experiment with.

17.4.2 Sets from Hashing🔗

Suppose we are given a set of strings. We can hash each element of that set. Each string is now mapped to a number. Each of these numbers is a member of the set; every other number is not a member of this set.

Therefore, a simple representation is to just store this list of numbers. For instance, we can store the list [list: "Hello", "World!", "🏴‍☠️"] as [list: 500, 553, 195692].

Unfortunately, this does not help very much. Insertion can be done in constant time, but checking membership requires us to traverse the entire list, which takes linear time in the worst case. Alternatively, maybe we have some clever scheme that involves sorting the list. But note:
  • inserting the element can now take as much as linear time; or,

  • we store the elements as a tree instead of a list, but then

    1. we have to make sure the tree is balanced, so

    2. we will have essentially reconstructed the BBST.

In other words, we are recapitulating the discussion from Representing Sets as Lists and Making Sets Grow on Trees.

Notice that the problem here is traversal: if we have to visit more than a constant number of elements, we have probably not improved anything over the BBST. So, given a hash, how can we perform only a constant amount of work? For that, lists and trees don’t work: they both require at least some amount of (non-constant) traversal to get to an arbitrary element. Instead we need a different data structure…

17.4.3 Arrays🔗

Arrays are another linear data structure, like lists. There are two key differences between lists and arrays that reflect each one’s strength and weakness.

The main benefit to arrays is that we can access any element in the array in constant time. This is in contrast to lists where, to get to the \(n\)th element, we have to first traverse the previous \(n-1\) elements (using successive rests).

However, this benefit comes at a cost. The reason arrays can support constant-time access is because the size of an array is fixed at creation time. Thus, while we can keep extending a list using link, we cannot grow the size of an array “in place”; rather, we must make a new array and copy the entire array’s content into the new array, which takes linear time. (We can do a better job of this by using Halloween Analysis, but there is no real free ride.)

The arrays in Pyret are documented here. While not necessary in principle, it is conventional to think of arrays as data structures that support mutation, and that is how we will use them here.

17.4.4 Sets from Hashing and Arrays🔗

Okay, so now we have a strategy. When we want to insert a string into the set, we compute its hash, go to the corresponding location in the array, and record the presence of that string. If we want to check for membership, we similarly compute its hash and see whether the corresponding location has been set. Traditionally, each location in the array is called a bucket, and this data structure is called a hashtable.


buckets = array-of(false, BUCKET-COUNT)

fun insert(s :: String):
  h = hash-of(s)
  buckets.set-now(h, true)

fun is-in(s :: String):
  h = hash-of(s)

Observe that if this were to work, we would have constant time insertion and membership checking. Unfortunately, two things make this plan untenable in general.

17.4.5 Collisions🔗

First, our choice of hash function. For the above scheme to work, two different strings have to map to two different locations.

Do Now!

Is the above hash function invertible?

We just need to find two strings that have the same hash. Given the definition of hash-of, it’s easy to see that any rearrangement of the letters produces the same hash:





Similarly, this test suite passes:

  hash-of("Hello") is hash-of("olleH")
  hash-of("Where") is hash-of("Weird")
  hash-of("Where") is hash-of("Wired")
  hash-of("Where") is hash-of("Whine")

When multiple values hash to the same location, we call this a hash collision.

Hash-collisions are problematic! With the above hash function, we get:

  is-in("Hello") is true
  is-in("Where") is false
  is-in("elloH") is true

where two of these tests are desirable but the third is definitely not.

Note that collisions are virtually inevitable. If we have uniformly distributed data, then collisions show up sooner than we might expect.This follows from the reasoning behind what is known as the birthday problem, commonly presented as how many people need to be in a room before the likelihood that two of them share a birthday exceeds some percentage. For the likelihood to exceed half we need just 23 people! Therefore, it is wise to prepare for the possibility of collisions.

The key is to know something about the distribution of hash values. For instance, if we knew our hash values are all multiples of 10, then using a table size of 10 would be a terrible idea (because all elements would hash to the same bucket, turning our hash table into a list). In practice, it is common to use uncommon prime numbers as the table size, since a random value is unlikely to have it as a divisor. This does not yield a theoretical improvement (unless you can make certain assumptions about the input, or work through the math very carefully), but it works well in practice.In particular, since the typical hashing function uses memory addresses for objects on the heap, and on most systems these addresses are multiples of 4, using a prime like 31 is often a fairly good bet.

While collisions are probabilistic, and depend on the choice of hash function, we have an even more fundamental and unavoidable reason for collisions. We have to store an array of the largest possible hash size. However, not only can hash values be very large (try to run insert("🏴‍☠️") and see what happens), there isn’t even an a priori limit to the size of a hash. This fundamentally flies in the face of arrays, which must have a fixed size.

To handle arbitrarily large values, we:
  • use an array size that is reasonable given our memory constraints

  • use the remainder of the hash relative to the array’s size to find the bucket

That is:

fun insert(s :: String):
  h = hash-of(s)
  buckets.set-now(num-remainder(h, BUCKET-COUNT), true)

fun is-in(s :: String):
  h = hash-of(s)
  buckets.get-now(num-remainder(h, BUCKET-COUNT))

This addresses the second problem: we can also store the pirate flag:

  is-in("🏴‍☠️") is false
  is-in("🏴‍☠️") is true

Observe, however, we have simply created yet another source of collisions: the remainder computation. If we have 10 buckets, then the hashes 5, 15, 25, 35, … all refer to the same bucket. Thus, there are two sources of collision, and we have to deal with them both.

17.4.6 Resolving Collisions🔗

Surprisingly or disappointingly, we have a very simple solution to the collision problems. Each bucket is not a single Boolean value, but rather a list of the actual values that hashed to that bucket. Then, we just check for membership in that list.

First, we will abstract over finding the bucket number in insert and is-in:

fun index-of(s :: String):
  num-remainder(hash-of(s), BUCKET-COUNT)

Next, we change what is held in each bucket: not a Boolean, but rather a list of the actual strings:

buckets = array-of(empty, BUCKET-COUNT)

Now we can write the more nuanced membership checker:

fun is-in(s :: String):
  b = index-of(s)
  member(buckets.get-now(b), s)

Similarly, when inserting, we first make sure the element isn’t already there (to avoid the complexity problems caused by having duplicates), and only then insert it:

fun insert(s :: String):
  b = index-of(s)
  l = buckets.get-now(b)
  when not(member(l, s)):
    buckets.set-now(b, link(s, l))

Now our tests pass as intended:

  is-in("Hello") is true
  is-in("Where") is false
  is-in("elloH") is false

17.4.7 Complexity🔗

Now we have yet another working implementation for (some primitives of) sets. The use of arrays supposedly enables us to get constant-time complexity. Yet we should feel at least some discomfort. After all, the constant time applied when the arrays contained only Boolean values. However, that solution was weak in two ways: it could not handle hash-collisions by non-invertible hash functions, and it required potentially enormous arrays. If we relaxed either assumption, the implementation was simply wrong, in that it was easily fooled by values that caused collisions either through hashing or through computing the remainder.

The solution we have shown above is called hash chaining, where “chain” refers to the list stored in each bucket. The benefit of hash-chaining is that insertion can still be constant-time: it takes a constant amount of time to find a bucket, and inserting can be as cheap as link. Of course, this assumes that we don’t mind duplicates; otherwise we will pay the same price we saw earlier in Representing Sets as Lists. But lookup takes time linear in the size of the bucket (which, with duplicates, could be arbitrarily larger relative to the number of distinct elements). And even if we check for duplicates, we run the risk that most or even all the elements could end up in the same bucket (e.g., suppose the elements are "Where", "Weird", "Wired", "Whine"). In that case, our sophisticated implementation reduces to the list-based representation and its complexity!

There’s an additional subtlety here. When we check membership of the string in the list of strings, we have to consider the cost of comparing each pair of strings. In the worst case, that is proportional to the length of the shorter string. Usually this is bounded by a small constant, but one can imagine settings where this is not guaranteed to be true. However, this same cost has to be borne by all set implementations; it is not a new complexity introduced here.

Thus, in theory, hash-based sets can support insertion and membership in as little as constant time, and (ignoring the cost of string comparisons) as much as linear time, where “linear” has the same caveats about duplicates as the list-based representation. In many cases—depending on the nature of the data and parameters set for the array—they can be much closer to constant time. As a result, they tend to be very popular in practice.

17.4.8 Bloom Filters🔗

Another way to improve the space and time complexity is to relax the properties we expect of the operations. Right now, set membership gives perfect answers, in that it answers true exactly when the element being checked was previously inserted into the set. But suppose we’re in a setting where we can accept a more relaxed notion of correctness, where membership tests can “lie” slightly in one direction or the other (but not both, because that makes the representation almost useless). Specifically, let’s say that “no means no” (i.e., if the set representation says the element isn’t present, it really isn’t) but “yes sometimes means no” (i.e., if the set representation says an element is present, sometimes it might not be). In short, if the set says the element isn’t in it, this should be guaranteed; but if the set says the element is present, it may not be. In the latter case, we either need some other—more expensive—technique to determine truth, or we might just not care.

Where is such a data structure of use? Suppose we are building a Web site that uses password-based authentication. Because many passwords have been leaked in well-publicized breaches, it is safe to assume that hackers have them and will guess them. As a result, we want to not allow users to select any of these as passwords. We could use a hash-table to reject precisely the known leaked passwords. But for efficiency, we could use this imperfect hash instead. If it says “no”, then we allow the user to use that password. But if it says “yes”, then either they are using a password that has been leaked, or they have an entirely different password that, purely by accident, has the same hash value, but no matter; we can just disallow that password as well.A related use is for filtering out malicious Web sites. The URL shortening system, bitly, uses it for this purpose. It’s also used by ad networks; here’s a talk (the segment from about 20m to about 45m) about that. But sometimes, a Bloom filter is overkill, as this Cloudflare blog post discusses

Another example is in updating databases or memory stores. Suppose we have a database of records, which we update frequently. It is often more efficient to maintain a journal of changes: i.e., a list that sequentially records all the changes that have occurred. At some interval (say overnight), the journal is “flushed”, meaning all these changes are applied to the database proper. But that means every read operation has become highly inefficient, because it has to check the entire journal first (for updates) before accessing the database. Again, here we can use this faulty notion of a hash table: if the hash of the record locator says “no”, then the record certainly hasn’t been modified and we go directly to the database; if it says “yes” then we have to check the journal.

We have already seen a simple example implementation of this idea earlier, when we used a single array, with modular arithmetic, to represent the set. When an element was not present in the array, we knew for a fact that it was definitely not present. When the array indicated an element was present, we couldn’t be sure that what was present was the exact value we were looking for. To get around this uncertainty, we used chaining.

However, there is something else we could have done. Chaining costs both space (to store all the actual values) and time (to look through all the values). Suppose, instead, a bucket is only a Boolean value. This results in a slightly useful, but potentially very inaccurate, data structure; furthermore, it exhibits correlated failure tied to the modulus.

But suppose we have not only one array, but several! When an element is added to the set, it is added to each array; when checking for membership, every array is consulted. The set only answers affirmatively to membership if all the arrays do so.

Naturally, using multiple arrays offers absolutely no advantage if the arrays are all the same size: since both insertion and lookup are deterministic, all will yield the same answer. However, there is a simple antidote to this: use different array sizes. In particular, by using array sizes that are relatively prime to one another, we minimize the odds of a clash (only hashes that are the product of all the array sizes will fool the array).

This data structure, called a Bloom Filter, is a probabilistic data structure. Unlike our earlier set data structure, this one is not guaranteed to always give the right answer; but contrary to the space-time tradeoff, we save both space and time by changing the problem slightly to accept incorrect answers. If we know something about the distribution of hash values, and we have some acceptable bound of error, we can design hash table sizes so that with high probability, the Bloom Filter will lie within the acceptable error bounds.

17.4.9 Generalizing from Sets to Key-Values🔗

Above, we focused on sets: that is, a string effectively mapped to a Boolean value, indicating whether it was present or not. However, there are many settings where it is valuable to associate one value with another. For instance, given an identity number we might want to pull up a person’s records; given a computer’s name, we might want to retrieve its routing information; given a star’s catalog entry, we might want its astronomical information. This kind of data structure is so ubiquitous that it has several names, some of which are more general and some implying specific implementations: key-value store, associative array, hash map, dictionary, etc.

In general, the names “key-value” and “dictionary” are useful because they suggest a behavioral interface. In contrast, associative array implies the use of arrays, and hash table suggests the use of an array (and of hashing). In fact, real systems use a variety of implementation strategies, including balanced binary search trees. The names “key-value” and “dictionary” avoid commitment to a particular implementation. Here, too, “dictionary” evokes a common mental image of unique words that map to descriptions. The term “key value” is even more technically useful because keys are meant to all be distinct (i.e., no two different key-value pairs can have the same key; alternatively, one key can map to only one value). This makes sense because we view this as a generalization of sets, so the keys are the set elements, which must necessarily have no duplicates; the values take the place of the Boolean.

To extend our set representation to handle a dictionary or key-value store, we need to make a few changes. First, we introduce the key-value representation:

data KV<T>: kv(key :: String, value :: T) end

Each bucket is still an empty list, but we understand it to be a list of key-value pairs.

Previously, we only had is-in to check whether an element was present in a set or not. That element is now the key, and we could have a similar function to check whether the key is present. However, we rarely want to know just that; in fact, because we already know the key, we usually want the associated value.

Therefore, we can just have this one function:

getkv :: <T> String -> T

Of course, getkv may fail: the key may not be present. That is, it has become a partial function [Partial Domains]. We therefore have all the usual strategies for dealing with partial functions. Here, for simplicity we choose to return an error if the key is not present, but all the other strategies we discuss for handling partiality are valid (and often better in a robust implementation).

Similarly, we have:

putkv :: <T> String, T -> Nothing

This is the generalization of insert. However, insert had no reason to return an error: inserting an element twice was harmless. However, because keys must now be associated with only one value, insertion has to check whether the key is already present, and signal an error otherwise. In short, it is also partial.This is not partial due to a mathematical reason, but rather because of state: the same key may have been inserted previously.

Once we have agreed on this interface, getting a value is a natural extension of checking for membership:

fun getkv(k):
  b = index-of(k)
  r = find({(kvp): kvp.key == k}, buckets.get-now(b))
  cases (Option) r:
    | none => raise("getkv can't find " + k)
    | some(v) => v.value

Having found the index, we look in the bucket for whether any key-value pair has the desired key. If it does, then we return the corresponding value. Otherwise, we error.

Inserting a key-value pair similarly generalizes adding an element to the set:

fun putkv(k, v):
  b = index-of(k)
  keys = map(_.key, buckets.get-now(b))
  if member(keys, k):
    raise("putkv already has a value for key " + k)
    buckets.set-now(b, link(kv(k, v), buckets.get-now(b)))

Once again, we check the bucket for whether the key is already present. If it is, we choose to halt with an error. Otherwise, we make the key-value pair and link it to the existing bucket contents, and modify the array to refer to the new list.


Do the above pair of functions do all the necessary error-checking?

This concludes our brief tour of sets (yet again!) and key-value stores or dictionaries. We have chosen to implement both using arrays, which required us to employ hashes. For more on string dictionaries, see the Pyret documentation. Observe that Pyret offers two kinds of dictionaries: one mutable (like we have shown here) and one (the default) functional.