On this page:
16.2.1 Reachability Simple Recursion Cleaning up the Loop Traversal with Memory A Better Interface
16.2.2 Depth- and Breadth-First Traversals

16.2 Basic Graph Traversals🔗

    16.2.1 Reachability Simple Recursion Cleaning up the Loop Traversal with Memory A Better Interface

    16.2.2 Depth- and Breadth-First Traversals

As with all the data we have seen so far, to process a datum we have to traverse it—i.e., visit the constituent data. With graphs, that can be quite interesting!

16.2.1 Reachability🔗

Many uses of graphs need to address reachability: whether we can, using edges in the graph, get from one node to another. For instance, a social network might suggest as contacts all those who are reachable from existing contacts. On the Internet, traffic engineers care about whether packets can get from one machine to another. On the Web, we care about whether all public pages on a site are reachable from the home page. We will study how to compute reachability using our travel graph as a running example. Simple Recursion🔗

At its simplest, reachability is easy. We want to know whether there exists a pathA path is a sequence of zero or more linked edges. between a pair of nodes, a source and a destination. (A more sophisticated version of reachability might compute the actual path, but we’ll ignore this for now.) There are two possibilities: the source and destintion nodes are the same, or they’re not.
  • If they are the same, then clearly reachability is trivially satisfied.

  • If they are not, we have to iterate through the neighbors of the source node and ask whether the destination is reachable from each of those neighbors.

This translates into the following function:
<graph-reach-1-main> ::=

fun reach-1(src :: Key, dst :: Key, g :: Graph) -> Boolean:
  if src == dst:
    loop(neighbors(src, g))

where the loop through the neighbors of src is:
<graph-reach-1-loop> ::=

fun loop(ns):
  cases (List) ns:
    | empty => false
    | link(f, r) =>
      if reach-1(f, dst, g): true else: loop(r) end

We can test this as follows:
<graph-reach-tests> ::=

  reach = reach-1
  reach("was", "was", kn-cities) is true
  reach("was", "chi", kn-cities) is true
  reach("was", "bmg", kn-cities) is false
  reach("was", "hou", kn-cities) is true
  reach("was", "den", kn-cities) is true
  reach("was", "saf", kn-cities) is true

Unfortunately, we don’t find out about how these tests fare, because some of them don’t complete at all. That’s because we have an infinite loop, due to the cyclic nature of graphs!


Which of the above examples leads to a cycle? Why? Cleaning up the Loop🔗

Before we continue, let’s try to improve the expression of the loop. While the nested function above is a perfectly reasonable definition, we can use Pyret’s for to improve its readability.

The essence of the above loop is to iterate over a list of boolean values; if one of them is true, the entire loop evaluates to true; if they are all false, then we haven’t found a path to the destination node, so the loop evaluates to false. Thus:

fun ormap(fun-body, l):
  cases (List) l:
    | empty => false
    | link(f, r) =>
      if fun-body(f): true else: ormap(fun-body, r) end

With this, we can replace the loop definition and use with:

for ormap(n from neighbors(src, g)):
  reach-1(n, dst, g)
end Traversal with Memory🔗

Because we have cyclic data, we have to remember what nodes we’ve already visited and avoid traversing them again. Then, every time we begin traversing a new node, we add it to the set of nodes we’ve already started to visit so that. If we return to that node, because we can assume the graph has not changed in the meanwhile, we know that additional traversals from that node won’t make any difference to the outcome.This property is known as idempotence.

We therefore define a second attempt at reachability that take an extra argument: the set of nodes we have begun visiting (where the set is represented as a graph). The key difference from <graph-reach-1-main> is, before we begin to traverse edges, we should check whether we’ve begun processing the node or not. This results in the following definition:
<graph-reach-2> ::=

fun reach-2(src :: Key, dst :: Key, g :: Graph, visited :: List<Key>) -> Boolean:
  if visited.member(src):
  else if src == dst:
    new-visited = link(src, visited)
    for ormap(n from neighbors(src, g)):
      reach-2(n, dst, g, new-visited)

In particular, note the extra new conditional: if the reachability check has already visited this node before, there is no point traversing further from here, so it returns false. (There may still be other parts of the graph to explore, which other recursive calls will do.)


Does it matter if the first two conditions were swapped, i.e., the beginning of reach-2 began with

if src == dst:
else if visited.member(src):

? Explain concretely with examples.


We repeatedly talk about remembering the nodes that we have begun to visit, not the ones we’ve finished visiting. Does this distinction matter? How? A Better Interface🔗

As the process of testing reach-2 shows, we may have a better implementation, but we’ve changed the function’s interface; now it has a needless extra argument, which is not only a nuisance but might also result in errors if we accidentally misuse it. Therefore, we should clean up our definition by moving the core code to an internal function:

fun reach-3(s :: Key, d :: Key, g :: Graph) -> Boolean:
  fun reacher(src :: Key, dst :: Key, visited :: List<Key>) -> Boolean:
    if visited.member(src):
    else if src == dst:
      new-visited = link(src, visited)
      for ormap(n from neighbors(src, g)):
        reacher(n, dst, new-visited)
  reacher(s, d, empty)

We have now restored the original interface while correctly implementing reachability.


Does this really gives us a correct implementation? In particular, does this address the problem that the size function above addressed? Create a test case that demonstrates the problem, and then fix it.

16.2.2 Depth- and Breadth-First Traversals🔗

It is conventional for computer science texts to call these depth- and breadth-first search. However, searching is just a specific purpose; traversal is a general task that can be used for many purposes.

The reachability algorithm we have seen above has a special property. At every node it visits, there is usually a set of adjacent nodes at which it can continue the traversal. It has at least two choices: it can either visit each immediate neighbor first, then visit all of the neighbors’ neighbors; or it can choose a neighbor, recur, and visit the next immediate neighbor only after that visit is done. The former is known as breadth-first traversal, while the latter is depth-first traversal.

The algorithm we have designed uses a depth-first strategy: inside <graph-reach-1-loop>, we recur on the first element of the list of neighbors before we visit the second neighbor, and so on. The alternative would be to have a data structure into which we insert all the neighbors, then pull out an element at a time such that we first visit all the neighbors before their neighbors, and so on. This naturally corresponds to a queue [An Example: Queues from Lists].


Using a queue, implement breadth-first traversal.

If we correctly check to ensure we don’t re-visit nodes, then both breadth- and depth-first traversal will properly visit the entire reachable graph without repetition (and hence not get into an infinite loop). Each one traverses from a node only once, from which it considers every single edge. Thus, if a graph has \(N\) nodes and \(E\) edges, then a lower-bound on the complexity of traversal is \(O([N, E \rightarrow N + E])\). We must also consider the cost of checking whether we have already visited a node before (which is a set membership problem, which we address elsewhere: Several Variations on Sets). Finally, we have to consider the cost of maintaining the data structure that keeps track of our traversal. In the case of depth-first traversal, recursion—which uses the machine’s stackdoes it automatically at constant overhead. In the case of breadth-first traversal, the program must manage the queue, which can add more than constant overhead.In practice, too, the stack will usually perform much better than a queue, because it is supported by machine hardware.

This would suggest that depth-first traversal is always better than breadth-first traversal. However, breadth-first traversal has one very important and valuable property. Starting from a node \(N\), when it visits a node \(P\), count the number of edges taken to get to \(P\). Breadth-first traversal guarantees that there cannot have been a shorter path to \(P\): that is, it finds a shortest path to \(P\).


Why “a” rather than “the” shortest path?


Prove that breadth-first traversal finds a shortest path.