On this page:
25.1 Setup:   Two Functions
25.2 Abstracting a Loop
25.3 Is It Really a Loop?
25.4 Re-Examining for
25.5 Rewriting Pollard-Rho
25.6 Nested Loops
25.7 Loops, Values, and Customization

25 Deconstructing Loops🔗

    25.1 Setup: Two Functions

    25.2 Abstracting a Loop

    25.3 Is It Really a Loop?

    25.4 Re-Examining for

    25.5 Rewriting Pollard-Rho

    25.6 Nested Loops

    25.7 Loops, Values, and Customization

25.1 Setup: Two Functions🔗

Let’s look at two functions we wrote earlier in Factoring Numbers:

fun gcd(a, b):
  if b == 0:
    gcd(b, num-modulo(a, b))

fun pr(n):
  fun g(x): num-modulo((x * x) + 1, n) end
  fun iter(x, y, d):
    new-x = g(x)
    new-y = g(g(y))
    new-d = gcd(num-abs(new-x - new-y), n)
      | new-d == 1 then:
        iter(new-x, new-y, new-d)
      | new-d == n then:
      | otherwise:
  iter(2, 2, 1)

We’ve written both recursively: gcd by calling itself and pr with recursion on its inner function. But if you’ve programmed before, you’ve probably written similar programs with loops.


Because we don’t have loops in Pyret, the best we can do is to use a higher-order function; which ones would you use?

But let’s see if we can do something “better”, i.e., get closer to a traditional-looking program.

Before we start changing any code, let’s make sure we have some tests for gcd:

  gcd(4, 5) is 1
  gcd(5, 7) is 1
  gcd(21, 21) is 21
  gcd(12, 24) is 12
  gcd(12, 9) is 3

25.2 Abstracting a Loop🔗

Now let’s think about how we can create a loop. At each iteration, a loop has a status: whether it’s done or whether it should continue. Since we have two parameters here, let’s record two parameters for continuing:

data LoopStatus:
  | done(final-value)
  | next-2(new-arg-1, new-arg-2)

Now we can write a function that does the actual iteration:

fun loop-2(f, arg-1, arg-2):
  r = f(arg-1, arg-2)
  cases (LoopStatus) r:
    | done(v) => v
    | next-2(new-arg-1, new-arg-2) => loop-2(f, new-arg-1, new-arg-2)

Note that this is completely generic: it has nothing to do with gcd. (It is generic in the same way that higher-order functions like map and filter are generic.) It just repeats if f says to repeat, stops if f says to stop. This is the essence of a loop.


Observe also that we could, if we wanted, stage [Staging] loop-2, because f never changes. Rewrite it that way.

With loop-2, we can rewrite gcd:

fun gcd(p, q):
    {(a, b):
      if b == 0:
        next-2(b, num-modulo(a, b))

Now it might seem to you we haven’t done anything useful at all. In fact, this looks like a significant step backward. At least before we just had simple, clean recursion, the way Euclid intended it. Now we have a higher-order function and we’re passing it the erstwhile gcd code as a function and there’s this LoopStatus datatype and…everything’s gotten much more complicated.

But, not really. The reason we put it in this form is because we’re about to exploit a feature of Pyret. The for construct in Pyret actually rewrites as follows:

for F(a from a_i, b from b_i, …): BODY end

gets rewritten to

F({(a, b, …): BODY}, a_i, b_i, …)

For example, if we write

for map(i from range(0, 10)): i + 1 end

this becomes

map({(i): i + 1}, range(0, 10))

Now you may see why we rewrote gcd. Going in reverse, we can rewrite

F({(a, b, …): BODY}, a_i, b_i, …)


for F(a from a_i, b from b_i, …): BODY end

so the function becomes just

fun gcd(p, q):
  for loop-2(a from p, b from q):
    if b == 0:
      next-2(b, num-modulo(a, b))

and now closely resembles a traditional “loop” program.

25.3 Is It Really a Loop?🔗

This whole section should be considered an aside for people with more advanced computing knowledge.

If you know something about language implementation, you may know that loops have the property that the iteration does not consume extra space (beyond what the program already needs), and the repetition takes place very quickly (a “jump instruction”). In principle, our loop-2 function does not have this property: every iteration is a function call, which is more expensive and builds additional stack context. However, one or both of these does not actually occur in practice.

In terms of space, the recursive call to loop-2 is the last thing that a call to loop-2 does. Furthermore, nothing in loop-2 consumes and manipulates the return from that recursive call. This is therefore called a tail call. Pyret—like some other languages—causes tail calls to not take any extra stack space. In principle, Pyret can also turn some tail calls into jumps. Therefore, this version has close to the same performance as a traditional loop.

25.4 Re-Examining for🔗

The definition of for given above should make you suspicious: Where’s the loop?!? In fact, Pyret’s for does not do any looping at all: it’s simply a fancy way of writing lam. Any “looping” behavior is in the function written after for. To see that, let’s use for with a non-looping function.

Recall that

for F(a from a_i, b from b_i, …): BODY end

gets rewritten to

F({(a, b, …): BODY}, a_i, b_i, …)

Thus, suppose we have this function (from Functions as Data):

delta-x = 0.0001
fun d-dx-at(f, x):
  (f(x + delta-x) - f(x)) / delta-x

We can call it like this to get approximately 20:

d-dx-at({(n): n * n}, 10)

That means we can also call it like this:

for d-dx-at(n from 10): n * n end


  for d-dx-at(n from 10): n * n end
  d-dx-at({(n): n * n}, 10)

Since d-dx-at has no iterative behavior, no iteration occurs. The looping behavior is given entirely by the function specified after for, such as map, filter, or loop-2 above.

25.5 Rewriting Pollard-Rho🔗

Now let’s tackle Pollard-rho. Notice that it’s a three-parameter function, so we can’t use the loop-2 we had before: that’s only a suitable loop when we have two arguments that change on each iteration (often the iteration variable and an accumulator). It would be easy to design a 3-argument version of loop, say loop-3, but we could also have a more general solution, using a tuple:

data LoopStatus:
  | done(v)
  | next–2(new-x, new-y)
  | next-n(new-t)

fun loop-n(f, t):
  r = f(t)
  cases (LoopStatus) r:
    | done(v) => v
    | next-n(new-t) => loop-n(f, new-t)

where t is a tuple.

So now we can rewrite pr. Let’s first rename the old pr function as pr-old so we can keep it around for testing. Now we can define a “loop”-based pr:

fun pr(n):
  fun g(x): num-modulo((x * x) + 1, n) end
  for loop-n({x; y; d} from {2; 2; 1}):
    new-x = g(x)
    new-y = g(g(y))
    new-d = gcd(num-abs(new-x - new-y), n)
      | new-d == 1 then:
        next-n({new-x; new-y; new-d})
      | new-d == n then:
      | otherwise:

Indeed, we can test that the two behave in exactly the same way:

  ns = range(2, 100)
  l1 = map(pr-old, ns)
  l2 = map(pr, ns)
  l1 is l2

25.6 Nested Loops🔗

We can also write a nested loop this way. Suppose we have a list like

lol = [list: [list: 1, 2], [list: 3], [list:], [list: 4, 5, 6]]

and we want to sum the whole thing by summing each sub-list. Here it is:

for loop-2(ll from lol, sum from 0):
  cases (List) ll:
    | empty => done(sum)
    | link(l, rl) =>
      l-sum =
        for loop-2(es from l, sub-sum from 0):
          cases (List) es:
            | empty => done(sub-sum)
            | link(e, r) => next-2(r, e + sub-sum)
      next-2(rl, sum + l-sum)

We can simplify this by writing it as two functions:

fun sum-a-lon(lon :: List<Number>):
  for loop-2(es from lon, sum from 0):
    cases (List) es:
      | empty => done(sum)
      | link(e, r) =>
        next-2(r, e + sum)

fun sum-a-lolon(lolon :: List<List<Number>>):
  for loop-2(l from lolon, sum from 0):
    cases (List) l:
      | empty => done(sum)
      | link(lon, r) =>
        next-2(r, sum-a-lon(lon) + sum)

  sum-a-lolon(lol) is 21

Notice that the two functions are remarkably similar. This suggests an abstraction:

fun sum-a-list(f, L):
  for loop-2(e from L, sum from 0):
    cases (List) e:
      | empty => done(sum)
      | link(elt, r) =>
        next-2(r, f(elt) + sum)

Using this, we can rewrite the two previous functions as:

fun sum-a-lon(lon :: List<Number>):
  sum-a-list({(e): e}, lon)

fun sum-a-lolon(lolon :: List<List<Number>>):
  sum-a-list(sum-a-lon, lolon)

  sum-a-lolon(lol) is 21

With the annotations, it becomes clear what each function does. In sum-a-lon, each element is a number, so it “contributes itself” to the overall sum. In sum-a-lolon, each element is a list of numbers, so it “contributes its sum-a-lon” to the overall sum.

Finally, to bring this full circle, we can rewrite the above the functions as follows:

fun sum-a-lon(lon :: List<Number>):
  for sum-a-list(e :: Number from lon): e end

fun sum-a-lolon(lolon :: List<List<Number>>):
  for sum-a-list(l :: List<Number> from lolon): sum-a-lon(l) end

Arguably this makes even clearer what each element contributes. In sum-a-lon each element is a number, so it contributes just that number. In sum-a-lolon, each element is a list of numbers, so it must contribute sum-a-lon of that list.

25.7 Loops, Values, and Customization🔗

Observe two important ways in which the loops above differ from traditional loops:
  1. Every loop produces a value. This is consistent with the rest of the language, where—as much as possible—computations try to produce answers. We don’t have to produce a value; for instance, the following program, reminiscent of looping programs in many other languages, will work just fine in Pyret:

    for each(i from range(0, 10)): print(i) end

    However, this is the unusual case. In general, we want expressions to produce values so that we can compose them together.

  2. Many languages have strong opinions on exactly how many looping constructs there should be: two? three? four? In Pyret, there are no built-in looping constructs at all; there’s just a syntax (for) that serves as a proxy for creating a specific lam. With it, we can reuse existing iterative functions (like map and filter), but also define new ones. Some can be very generic, like loop-2 or loop-n, but others can be very specific, like sum-a-list. The language designers don’t prevent you from writing a loop that is useful to your situation, and sometimes the loop can be very expressive, as we see from rewriting sum-a-lon and sum-a-lolon atop for and sum-a-list.