18 Partial Domains
Sometimes, we cannot precisely capture the domain of a function with the precision we would like. In mathematics, if a function cannot accept all values in its domain, it is called partial. This is a problem we encounter more often than we might like in programming, so we need to know how to handle it. There are actually several programming strategies that we can use, with different benefits and weaknesses. Here, we will examine some of them.
average :: List<Number> -> Number
We will now see how to handle this from a software engineering
perspective. We’ll specifically work through average
because the function is
simple enough that we can focus on the software structure without getting lost
in the solution details. There are at least four solutions, and one
18.1 A Non-Solution
. Here is the full program:
type LoN = List<Number>
fun sum(l :: LoN) -> Number:
fold({(a, b): a + b}, 0, l)
avg0 :: LoN -> Number
fun avg0(l):
cases (List) l:
| empty => 0
| link(_, _) =>
s = sum(l)
c = l.length()
s / c
avg0([list: 1]) is 1
avg0([list: 1, 2, 3]) is 2
avg0([list: 1, 2, 3, 10]) is 4
avg0(empty) is 0
First, every single use of avg0
needs to check for whether it got back
or not. If it did not, then the answer is legitimate, and it can
proceed with the computation. But if it did, then it has to assume that the
input may have been illegitimate, and cannot use the answer.
avg0([list: -1, 0, 1]) is 0
avg0([list: -5, 4, 1]) is 0
returns 0
, we don’t know whether
that’s a legitimate answer or a “fake” answer that stands for “this
is not a valid input”. So even our strategy of “check everywhere” fails!Ah, but maybe the problem is the use of 0
! Perhaps we could use a
different number that would work. How about 1
? Or -1
? The
question is: Is there any number that reasonably can't
be the
average of an actual input? (And in general, for all problems, can you be sure
of this?) Well, of course not.
We can’t tell from the output whether the input was invalid.
That means every caller needs to check.
A caller that forgets to check may compute with nonsense.
Compositionality is ruined: any function passed
needs to know to check the output (and there is nothing in the contract to warn it!).
Let’s instead look at four actual solutions.
18.2 Exceptions
One technique that many languages, including Pyret, provide is called the exception. An exception is a special programming construct that effectively halts the computation because the program cannot figure out how to continue computing with the data it has. There are more sophisticated forms of exceptions in some languages, but here we focus simply on using them as a strategy for handling partiality.
from before):
avg1 :: LoN -> Number
fun avg1(l):
cases (List) l:
| empty => raise("no average for empty list")
| link(_, _) =>
s = sum(l)
c = l.length()
s / c
avg1([list: 1]) is 1
avg1([list: 1, 2, 3]) is 2
avg1([list: 1, 2, 3, 10]) is 4
works is that it terminates everything that is waiting to
happen. For instance, if we were to write
1 + avg1(empty)
1 + …
part never happens: the whole computation ends. raise
creates exceptions.Again, we’re missing a test. How do we write it?
avg1(empty) raises "no average for empty list"
The raises
form takes a string that it matches against that provided to
. In act, for convenience, any sub-string of the original string is
permitted: we can, for instance, also write
avg1(empty) raises "no average"
avg1(empty) raises "empty list"
In many programming languages, the use of exceptions is the standard way of
dealing with partiality. It is certainly a pragmatic solution. Observe that we
got to reuse sum
from earlier; the contract looks clean; and we only
needed to use raise
at the spot where we didn’t know what to do. What’s
not to like?
In real systems, exceptions halt a program’s execution in unpredictable ways. A caller to
may be half-way through doing something else (e.g., it may have opened a file that it intends to close), but the exception causes the call to not finish cleanly, causing the remaining computation to not run, leaving the system in a messy state.Relatedly, what we presented as a feature should actually be treated as a problem: the contract lies! There’s no indication at all in the contract that an exception might occur. A programmer has to read the whole implementation—
which could change at any time— instead of being able to rely on its published contract, when the whole point of contracts was that they saved us from having to read the whole implementation!
Observe that there is are two kinds of exceptions that can occur. One is as we’ve written above. The other is when we completely ignore (or forget to even think about) the empty list case, and end up getting an error from Pyret, which is also a kind of exception. If Pyret will raise an exception anyway, does it make sense for us to go through the trouble of doing it ourselves?
First, you get to control where the exception occurs and what it says.
You can document that the exception will occur.
You are less dependent on the behavior of Pyret or whatever underlying programming language, which can change in subtle ways.
You can create an exception that is unique to you, so it can’t be confused with other division-by-zero errors that may lurk in your program.
18.3 The Option Type
. The problem with it was that it returned a value
that was not distinguishable from an actual answer. So perhaps another
approach is to return a value that is guaranteed to be distinguishable!
For this, a growing number of languages (including Pyret) have something like
this type:
data Option<T>:
| none
| some(value :: T)
This is a type we use when we aren’t sure we will have an answer: none
means we don’t have an answer, whereas some
means we do and value
is that answer.
avg2 :: LoN -> Option<Number>
fun avg2(l):
cases (List) l:
| empty => none
| link(_, _) =>
s = sum(l)
c = l.length()
some(s / c)
avg2([list: 1]) is some(1)
avg2([list: 1, 2, 3]) is some(2)
avg2([list: 1, 2, 3, 10]) is some(4)
avg2(empty) is none
The good news is, the contract is now truthful. Just by looking at it, we are
reminded that avg0
may not always be able to compute an answer.
Unfortunately, this imposes some cost on every user: they have to use
to check return values and only use them if they are
legitimate. However, this is the same thing we expected in avg0
done in a principled way.
18.4 Total Domains, Dynamically
All these problems arise because we said that average
) is partial. However, it’s only partial if we give the domain as
; it’s actually a total function on the non-empty
list of numbers. But how do we represent that?
type NeLoND = List<Number>%(is-link)
i.e., to be non-empty. In Pyret, currently, this check is only done at
run-time; in some other programming languages, this can be done by the
type-checker itself.avg3 :: NeLoND -> Number
fun avg3(l):
s = sum(l)
c = l.length()
s / c
avg3([list: 1]) is 1
avg3([list: 1, 2, 3]) is 2
avg3([list: 1, 2, 3, 10]) is 4
avg3(empty) raises ""
Dynamic refinements aren’t found in most languages, so we’d have to do more manual work to obtain the same solution.
We don’t get a static guarantee (i.e., before even running the program) that we’ll never get an exception.
18.5 Total Domains, Statically
data NeLoN:
| one(n :: Number)
| more(n :: Number, r :: NeLoN)
or length
code on
it. However, one option is to convert a NeLoN
into a LoN
, which
is always safe, and reuse that code:
fun nelon-to-lon(nl :: NeLoN):
cases (NeLoN) nl:
| one(n) => [list: n]
| more(n, r) => link(n, nelon-to-lon(r))
fun nl-sum(nl :: NeLoN) -> Number:
fun nl-len(nl :: NeLoN) -> Number:
fun avg4(nl :: NeLoN) -> Number:
s = nl-sum(nl)
c = nl-len(nl)
s / c
Once again, we don’t have to have any logic for dealing with errors. However, it’s not because we’re sloppy or letting Pyret deal with it or getting it checked at runtime or anything else: it’s because there is no way for an empty list to arise. Thus we have both the simplest body and the most truthful interface! But it comes at a cost: we need to do some work to reuse existing functions.
nl1 = one(1)
nl2 = more(1, more(2, one(3)))
nl3 = more(1, more(2, more(3, one(10))))
avg4(nl1) is 1
avg4(nl2) is 2
avg4(nl3) is 4
fun lon-to-nelon(l :: LoN) -> NeLoN:
cases (List) l:
| empty => raise("can't make an empty NeLoN")
| link(f, r) =>
cases (List) r:
| empty => one(f)
| else => more(f, lon-to-nelon(r))
avg4(lon-to-nelon([list: 1])) is 1
avg4(lon-to-nelon([list: 1, 2, 3])) is 2
avg4(lon-to-nelon([list: 1, 2, 3, 10])) is 4
avg4(lon-to-nelon(empty)) raises ""
, it’s coming from lon-to-nelon
, i.e., from the
“interface” function. The bad datum never makes it as far as avg4
! We can
verify this:
lon-to-nelon(empty) raises ""
! Nevertheless,
this suggests a trade-off: we can either use NeLoN
explicitly but with
more notational pain, or we can use list
but run the risk of some
confusion about exceptions. This is a trade-off in general, but there are
better options in some languages (A Note on Notation).So this is actually a very powerful technique: building a datatype that reflects exactly what we want, thereby turning a partial function into a total one. Programmers call this principle making illegal states unrepresentable. It may require writing some procedures to convert to and from other convenient representations for code reuse. Somewhere in those procedures there must be checks that reflect the partiality.
18.6 Summary
Return a sentinel value. Do not ever do this unless you’ve first fixed all the security bugs lurking in C programs from the past several decades.
. This is not very good for software engineering in general because exceptions are clunky, semantically complicated, and not compositional.Use a dynamic refinement. Dynamic refinements aren’t in most languages. Also, it’s less good than each of the other solutions, but it’s a decent compromise in many settings.
Define a datatype to make illegal states unrepresentable. A bit of work. Pretty sophisticated, invaluable in some places, but not always worth the effort.
. Often the ideal option, because:The type tells us to expect funny business. (
hides that.)We can’t accidentally misuse the value. (Sentinels hide that.)
It’s compositional: we can create functions to help us handle it.
It’s much lower overhead than the static totality solution.
It’s more statically robust than the dynamic totality solution.
It generalizes: in practice, instead of just
, a real program will havesome
for the “normal” case, and a bunch of variants describing the different kinds of errors that are possible, with extra information in each case. For concrete examples of this, see Picking Elements from Sets on sets Combining Answers on queues.
18.7 A Note on Notation
[list: 1, 2, 3]
when using NeLoN
s, we were speaking in
general. In some languages, we can actually make similar convenient
constructors. In Pyret, for instance, there is a protocol for defining custom
constructors; in fact, seemingly built-in constructors like list
are built using this protocol. The code for doing this is a bit
ungainly (in part because it’s optimized to save some space and time by making
the constructor-writer’s life a little harder), but it only needs to be written
once. Here’s a nelon
constructor for NeLoN
fun ra-to-nelon(r :: RawArray<Number>) -> NeLoN:
len = raw-array-length(r)
fun make-from-index(n :: Number):
v = raw-array-get(r, n)
if n == (len - 1):
more(v, make-from-index(n + 1))
nelon = {
make0: {(): raise("can't make an empty NeLoN")},
make1: {(a1): one(a1)},
make2: {(a1, a2): more(a1, one(a2))},
make3: {(a1, a2, a3): more(a1, more(a2, one(a3)))},
make4: {(a1, a2, a3, a4): more(a1, more(a2, more(a3, one(a4))))},
make5: {(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5): more(a1, more(a2, more(a3, more(a4, one(a5)))))},
make: {(args :: RawArray<Number>): ra-to-nelon(args)} }
[nelon: ] raises "empty"
[nelon: 1] is one(1)
[nelon: 1, 2] is more(1, one(2))
[nelon: 1, 2, 3] is more(1, more(2, one(3)))
[nelon: 1, 2, 3, 4] is more(1, more(2, more(3, one(4))))
[nelon: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] is more(1, more(2, more(3, more(4, one(5)))))
[nelon: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] is
more(1, more(2, more(3, more(4, more(5, one(6))))))
[nelon: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] is
more(1, more(2, more(3, more(4, more(5, more(6, one(7)))))))
avg4([nelon: 1]) is 1
avg4([nelon: 1, 2, 3]) is 2
avg4([nelon: 1, 2, 3, 10]) is 4